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More About Dormeo

Dormeo has sold over 1 Million mattresses, their sales have reached over 40 countries and they’ve been operational since the past 10 years. It offers top quality Italian-made memory foam mattresses direct to people's homes for the last 10 years. It Europe's most trusted bedding brands because they’ve always managed to keep the prices low, they’ve achieved that by selling directly to the consumer and cutting out the middleman. Through the promo codes you can get discounted rates on Dormeo Memory mattresses which has an Ecocell(R) core, it is a technology that adapts to your body's shape & temperature.We offer the freshest voucher codes for free shipping and discounted rates so that you get their product quickly & at incredible rates. They deliver their memory foam mattress with vacuum-packaging and the Normal delivery time is around 14 - 28 working days. The Octaspring mattresses are delivered within 7-21 working days, and if you order an Octaspring Mattress & Divan, that will take up to 28 days for delivery. They offer quibble-free return services, making sure you get your refund or replacement completely fuss-free. You can get mattresses of all types from their website using our voucher codes and discount codes for 2016. They offer Memory Foam Mattresses such as Memory Range, Memory Silver Range, Memory Aloe Vera Range, Duo Feel Range, Latex Mattresses, Pocket Sprung Mattresses, Open Spring Mattresses, Ecocell Mattresses and Dormeo Options Mattresses.They also offer Octaspring Such As Octaspring Hybrid Mattresses, Octaspring Memory Mattresses, Octapsring Latex Mattresses, Octaspring Pillows, Octaspring Toppers, Octaspring Divan Sets, Octaspring Adjustable Beds & Octaspring Headboards in all sizes. They have high quality Bedsteads in every size. Their bedding range is also versatile, with products such as Elite Bedding Collection, Pillows, Toppers, Duvets & Mattress Protectors. Their mattress sizes include Single (90cm X 190cm), Double (135cm X 190cm), Small Double (120cm X 190cm), King (150cm X 200cm) and Super King (180cm X 200cm). 

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